March 24

How you respond to Covid is predetermined by your map.



Why your neural-programs have already predetermined your response to Covid-19? What you can do to improve how you cope. Yes. This is a fact. Our stress responses are predetermined. Some of us will become highly emotional, while others will seem calm and almost aloof. Why is that? How is this predetermined? From the day we were born we've been building a set of behavior response patterns. In neuroscience these are referred to as our neural-programs. They became predetermined because they are automatic unconscious responses. Some people get angry under stress, and project it onto others, while others merely suppress their emotions. Which one are you? Covid-19 is bringing out everyone's unconscious patterns, from panic to aggression. From blame to fear. We even see Mob behavior; how did we get into a panic about toilet paper? Was that even rational? Is it more important than food? Is it more important than isolation? Why are some people super compliant, isolating themselves as instructed, while others are totally contrary - still gathering in groups and public places in large numbers? We have so many programs that we run in different situations, and most of us are completely unaware of these. These unconscious behavior responses to situations have been so highly developed that many people strongly believe in the importance of these. They are adamant of the value that these have, and will often project these onto others. "You can't tell me what to do.", "Look I am fine, it's ok", "OMG I have a cough, I should go to hospital." and so on. When we stop and ask ourselves the question "How does this behavior serve me and others around me?" we begin to become aware of the difference between well-formed unconscious patterns, and poorly formed ones. We can rationalize rather than react and panic.
  • Step 1: Take a few minutes to observe other people's responses to Covid-19 and seek to understand their reason.
  • Step 2: Be curious. When you begin to explore behaviors and become curious about their origins you heighten your own perspective and elevate your own behaviors.
  • Step 3: Try understanding your own behaviors and their origins.
  • Step 4: Make an effort to change these.
  • Step 5: Ask others if they can explain their own behavior origins.
  • Step 6: Work together to help one another deal better.
Be Safe! Be respectful and mindful of others! Be sure how you take care of your own needs, doesn't lead you to hurt others in the process. That includes isolating yourself, rather than exposing others.Nagui BihelekFounder and CEOAccuMatch Behavior Intelligence.

About the author 

Nagui Bihelek

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