When people fear for their lives or their livelihood is threatened they either come out fighting, or they isolate themselves. This we all know as fight or flight, but there is more to it than that. Where does Logic come into it? Because both of these are emotional responses and therefore are mostly unconscious automatic responses. You may not even be aware that you have been triggered to fight or run and hide.
What causes people to get angry to the extent of violence? It’s not logical, right? At least it doesn’t seem to be logical to anyone observing that.What causes anger often is not fear alone, it’s fear of being Hurt. The Hulk turns green when he gets hurt. The hurt makes him angry, and he changes state. Not too far off what actually happens to all of us. Some people run and hide when they are hurt, because they believe they cannot win, and don’t have a chance. Often they just don’t know how to fight. While others whom have experience in fighting, seem to find the will to fight, even if it seems futile.
But hang on. We all have fight or flight responses. We’re all from cave man. So what’s happened to us over the thousands of years of evolution. It’s happening right now with Covid19.
A large population are hunkered down at home, still in their pyjamas and do not know what to do. While others are finding ways, still from home, to reach out and connect via online. Some are building new plans or reworking old ones. Maybe doing some learning to further themselves.
And we hear about yet another group whom have resorted to violence at home. The friction of being confined with the same people for long periods seems to trigger their stress and any little thing becomes a fuse. And it’s a very short fuse.