November 19

Top Leadership Challenges You Need To know about



The following is based on my own research coupled with and
verified against research from Forbes, Harvard business, and Gartner.. 

In no particular order - ​which ones ​ apply to you, see how well you score. Take the test​...

​The following list is a collection of key challenges that most leaders face in their attempt to lead ​their team members. This is not about building a successful business it is only as these relate to leadership. Leading others. Being a good leader. 

As a ​general guide and a clear measure of a leader's success, ​is to inspire and motivate team members to achieve their best. When individuals are excited to come to work and feel that their contributions are being appreciated, and they themselves are respected, understood and appreciated they will not only do their best, but they ​are likely to often surprise you and exceed expectations.

​Of course a number of these will also impact the leader's ability to get their own tasks done, which in turn impact the organizations success. So in this case these are about the leader's effectiveness as a leader rather than the identification of key tasks they should be good at or should be at least aware of and manage. ​So ​to be clear about this, there is a plathora of tasks that could be identified (maybe in another blog), which would results in greater business success. These would include ​tasks from Planning through to ​Execution.

Important note: If these resonate with you at all, then I highly recommend taking self-test to see how well you score. I will be collecting all the results and compiling a follow up report to share with you, as well as a compilation of strategies to improve in these areas.

  • ​Getting things done: Overwhelm, Procrastination, and Interruptions which lead to an inability to get things completed on a daily basis. This leads to long hours, stress and ultimately what we used to call - reaching your level of incompetency. When things get to be too much, we are observed to be no longer competent. No longer able to cope with the requirements of the role. Such a shame when it’s such an easy fix when leaders understand their neural-programming - a neuroscience word for Habits.
  • Blind spots: Everyone has them. When leaders do not recognize their own blind spots they limit their growth and the potential development of others around them. Blind spots could be things we do or things we don’t do. Actions and words that have a causality that eludes us. Leaders are often unaware of their blind spots. They may talk about them, but in most cases they’ve never really admitted that they have them too.
  • Triggered responses: While it’s a great excuse to say “We’re human after all. It’s natural that we are going to get triggered sometimes. It’s natural that we are going to have judgements about others.” Unfortunately all that is just a cop-out. An excuse for ones inability to to recognize and manage ones own triggers. When we are triggered and have no ability to manage our responses it limits our ability to be effective leaders. After all leadership is also about setting a good example - walking the walk and talking the talk.
  • Conflict resolution: A leader’s ability to manage their own conflicts with others or when these show up amongst their team members. Conflict undermines the ability to motivate and inspire. Sure, some people get a rise out of conflict, but there is a difference between healthy debate and unhealthy conflict. Conflict undermines the ability to establish and maintain a culture that works together well and exceeds expectations. Often resulting in losing the best team members.
  • Observing without Bias: Biases are just another word for Expectations. Leaders are in their role because of their ability to do things better, and mostly for their ability to lead others. However, if leading is fraught with Biases or Expectations of others without clarification, leaders end up being frustrated and disappointed. Exhausted by the people we are trying to lead because they fail to meet expectations. Leaders often do not grasp this concept and spiral aimlessly in trying to figure this out.

​Please leave us a comment below.

  • Limiting behaviors: Yours or others. We interact with others through our actions and words. Our behaviors precipitate the responses we get and the results they deserve. Many leaders do not have the clarity on which behaviors these are. Which behaviors limit growth for themselves or others they lead.
  • Self awareness: In order to be able to help others first we need to be aware ourselves. That’s right. When leaders are not aware of their own traits and how these impact their results and influence others, it’s difficult for them to see destructive traits in others. It’s difficult to establish an environment that inspires and motivates, because they cannot identify the underlying cause, which is often a behavior.

​Of course there are many others. Feel free to leave us your comments below.

About the author 

Nagui Bihelek

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